Expert Tax and Accounting Services

At Tax­dry, we offer inno­va­ti­ve tax and accoun­ting solu­tions that sim­pli­fy the lives of our clien­ts. Our team of char­te­red accoun­tan­ts pro­vi­des high-qua­li­ty ser­vi­ces with a sports men­ta­li­ty, excel­lent pre­pa­ra­tion, and a posi­ti­ve atti­tu­de. We use inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy to pro­vi­de you with the best pos­si­ble expe­rien­ce, making your tax and accoun­ting needs stress-free.

“Ali­ce: Which way should I go? Cat: It depends whe­re you want to go. Ali­ce: But I don’t know whe­re to go. Cat: Then it doe­sn’t mat­ter which way I take” — Lewis Carroll

Assi­stan­ce in selec­ting the most sui­ta­ble legal struc­tu­re for the star­tup (e.g., limi­ted lia­bi­li­ty com­pa­ny, joint-stock com­pa­ny, etc.), con­si­de­ring fac­tors like legal lia­bi­li­ty, taxa­tion, and capi­tal requi­re­men­ts.
Hel­ping draf­ting share­hol­der agree­men­ts, such as side agree­men­ts, that clear­ly defi­ne the rights and respon­si­bi­li­ties of foun­ding part­ners and inve­stors. Advi­ce on how to struc­tu­re busi­ness acti­vi­ties to maxi­mi­ze tax effi­cien­cy, inclu­ding mana­ging inco­me tax and VAT.




“The best way to find out if you can tru­st some­bo­dy is to tru­st them.” — Erne­st Hemingway

We pro­vi­de a varie­ty of com­plian­ce ser­vi­ces to help your busi­ness. We take care of your accoun­ting tasks like book­kee­ping, pay­roll, and taxes so you can focus on your main work. During tax sea­son, we help you pre­pa­re your taxes accu­ra­te­ly and save money on deduc­tions. If you ever get audi­ted, we can gui­de you throu­gh the pro­cess with ease. You can tru­st us to hand­le your finan­cial com­plian­ce needs.

“It is not the stron­ge­st or most intel­li­gent spe­cies that sur­vi­ves, but the one that adap­ts best to chan­ge” — Char­les Darwin

Our inte­gra­ted con­sul­ting ser­vi­ces pro­vi­de com­pre­hen­si­ve finan­cial mana­ge­ment, opti­mi­zing infor­ma­tion flo­ws for ban­king requi­re­men­ts, along­si­de stra­te­gic busi­ness con­sul­ting to enhan­ce per­for­man­ce and effi­cien­cy, and expert M&A and esti­ma­tion gui­dan­ce for infor­med deci­sion-making in com­plex legal and tax scenarios.

Startup services and doing business in Italy

Assi­stan­ce in selec­ting the most sui­ta­ble legal struc­tu­re for the star­tup (e.g., limi­ted lia­bi­li­ty com­pa­ny, joint-stock com­pa­ny, etc.), con­si­de­ring fac­tors like legal lia­bi­li­ty, taxa­tion, and capi­tal requi­re­men­ts.
Hel­ping draf­ting share­hol­der agree­men­ts, such as side agree­men­ts, that clear­ly defi­ne the rights and respon­si­bi­li­ties of foun­ding part­ners and inve­stors. Advi­ce on how to struc­tu­re busi­ness acti­vi­ties to maxi­mi­ze tax effi­cien­cy, inclu­ding mana­ging inco­me tax and VAT.

Maximizing Profits through Advanced Tax Planning Strategies

Disco­ver how our team of expert tax pro­fes­sio­nals hel­ped a medium-sized busi­ness increa­se their pro­fi­ts by imple­men­ting advan­ced tax plan­ning stra­te­gies, redu­cing their tax bur­den, and pro­vi­ding com­pre­hen­si­ve accoun­ting ser­vi­ces to ensu­re finan­cial sta­bi­li­ty and success.

Innovative Solutions

At TAXDRY Srl, we har­ness inno­va­tion and the late­st tech­no­lo­gy to pro­pel busi­nes­ses towards their finan­cial objec­ti­ves. Our ser­vi­ces, inclu­ding cloud accoun­ting, auto­ma­tion, and data ana­ly­tics, are desi­gned to pro­vi­de real-time finan­cial insights, stream­li­ne pro­ces­ses, and enhan­ce effi­cien­cy. Our expe­rien­ced pro­fes­sio­nals are com­mit­ted to offe­ring high-value, tai­lo­red solu­tions for diver­se busi­ness needs, from book­kee­ping to finan­cial repor­ting. Con­tact us to leve­ra­ge our inno­va­ti­ve solu­tions for your busi­nes­s’s gro­wth and finan­cial success

Accounting Services

Disco­ver our full ran­ge of accoun­ting ser­vi­ces inclu­ding gene­ral led­ger mana­ge­ment, pro­ces­sing of accoun­ting data, main­te­nan­ce of VAT records, inter­pre­ta­tion of inte­rim finan­cial sta­te­men­ts, and kee­ping records for asse­ts, pur­cha­ses, sales, receip­ts, and pay­men­ts, with full com­plian­ce to mar­king and authen­ti­ca­tion logs.

We pro­vi­de spe­cia­li­zed tax accoun­ting com­plian­ce ser­vi­ces, such as hand­ling Intra­stat com­mu­ni­ca­tions and com­pi­ling and sen­ding dele­ga­tions for the pay­ment of both direct and indi­rect taxes.

Streamlining Tax Preparation for Small Business Owners

Learn how our inno­va­ti­ve solu­tions and expert accoun­ting ser­vi­ces hel­ped a small busi­ness owner save valua­ble time and money by stream­li­ning their tax pre­pa­ra­tion pro­cess, allo­wing them to focus on what mat­ters most — gro­wing their business. 

Tax audit assistance

Our firm spe­cia­li­zes in both pre-liti­ga­tion and liti­ga­tion pha­ses of tax mat­ters, offe­ring expert gui­dan­ce from tax audi­ts to court repre­sen­ta­tion. We assi­st clien­ts during audi­ts, inte­rac­tions with tax autho­ri­ties, and use admi­ni­stra­ti­ve tools to pre­vent liti­ga­tion. In liti­ga­tion, our ser­vi­ces inclu­de draf­ting appeals, imple­men­ting defen­se stra­te­gies, and court repre­sen­ta­tion. Our in-depth sec­tor-spe­ci­fic expe­rien­ce ensu­res pre­ci­se assess­ment and effec­ti­ve defen­se in various tax scenarios.

Financial Consulting

Find out how our finan­cial con­sul­tan­cy ser­vi­ces hel­ped  to effec­ti­ve­ly mana­ge the infor­ma­tion flo­ws requi­red by banks and opti­mi­ze your finan­ces,

Business Consulting

Learn how TAXDRY Srl can ele­va­te your busi­ness per­for­man­ce and effi­cien­cy with our expert con­sul­ting ser­vi­ces. We spe­cia­li­ze in finan­cial ana­ly­sis, stra­te­gic plan­ning, pro­cess impro­ve­ment, and risk mana­ge­ment, offe­ring tai­lo­red solu­tions to meet your uni­que busi­ness needs. Our expe­rien­ced con­sul­tan­ts use the late­st tools and tech­ni­ques to pro­vi­de valua­ble insights for infor­med deci­sion-making and growth.

M&A and Estimation

Our tax firm stands out in the indu­stry with our years of expe­rien­ce in eva­lua­ting major deals and ban­krupt­cy cases. Our team of experts pro­vi­des com­pre­hen­si­ve, per­so­na­li­zed, and relia­ble eva­lua­tions, thanks to a deep under­stan­ding of the legal and tax impli­ca­tions of mer­gers, spli­ts, and con­tri­bu­tions. We are com­mit­ted to deli­ve­ring top-tier ser­vi­ce, meti­cu­lou­sly caring for eve­ry detail in docu­men­ta­tion and ana­ly­sis, to help our clien­ts make infor­med deci­sions that reflect their goals.

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Taxdry Srl - C.F./P.I. 08982510961
Ufficio: Piazza Repubblica, 32 - 20124 Milano
Tel: (+39) 349.89.00.573
Email: [email protected]

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